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In December 1993, our Senior Warden reported that an anonymous parishioner wished to make a large memorial contribution that would essentially fund the building of a Columbarium. 


The committee appointed by the Vestry was Otice Sircy (chair), Dr. Charles Graybill, Betty Henley, Rev. O. James Hunkins, John Kinslow, Jo Ruffin, Kitty Dutcher (Senior Warden), and Bill Cunningham (Junior Warden). Their first meeting was in the Fall of 1993, and Raymond Harris was appointed as the architect. The Columbarium was dedicated on November 5, 1996, and is located in the courtyard in between the Nave and the Parish Hall.


January 12, 2012 a request was sent to Matthew's International for a duplicate Columbarium to be built in the northeast corner of the courtyard, and it was delivered October 30, 2012. 


There are 126 in ground plots between both Columbariums.

North Columbarium


Currently 16 available niches

South Columbarium


Currently 3 available niches

If you would like to reserve a niche, please either contact the church office, or print an application and submit it to the office. 

Individual niches are $800.00 and the plaque price depends on the cost of metal at the time of purchase.


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