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Rev'd Stephanie teaches the St. Andrew's youth about the Sacraments of Baptism.

Hands w_ Rev'd SJ hand leaving.JPG

Rev'd Stephanie places a communion wafer in the hands of a St. Andrew's youth.


Rev'd Stephanie teaches the St. Andrew's youth about the Sacraments of Baptism.


Worship in the Episcopal Church engages all the senses (sight, sound, smell, voice, touch and taste). Often formally referred to

as the “liturgy,” taken from the ancient Greek word, leitourgia, meaning “work for the people.” It cannot happen without people gathered to participate. In this sense, the “liturgy” could also be called “the work of the People;” it is a participatory experience that seeks to draw us closer to God using all our senses.  



At Saint Andrew’s you will find people from all walks of life gathered to worship on Sundays using the Eucharistic/Communion liturgy with two distinct styles. We believe two options allow parishioners to find the service that best fits their spiritual journey.   It is a special blessing and true joy when parishioners from the two services connect through a joint service or frequent churchwide activity. Please note, connecting the two worship services is spiritual formation.



The early service begins at 8:00 (Sunday).  It is an intimate, quieter, more contemplative worship.  



The later service begins at 10:15 (Sunday). It, too, includes quieter and more reflective moments, while incorporating the work

of all those gathered - from the youngest to the oldest.  Children fulfill key roles throughout worship: be it carrying the cross

and torches, bringing forth the bread and wine, or serving as a reader. Midway through worship they depart for Children’s Chapel and return to share in Communion. Hymns on the piano and organ with a variety of musical accompaniments bookend our prayers of praise, adoration, and thanksgiving. 

Worship With Us



8:00am (Nave)

10:15am (Nave & Live-Streamed)

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1313 SW D Ave.

Lawton, OK 73501


8 AM to 5 PM    Tue-Thur

8 AM to 4 PM    Friday


Contact Us​


(580) 355-9543


PO Box 1256

Lawton, OK 73502


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