In your Baptismal Covenant, you promised to "seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself." In what ways are you serving others in your circle of influence, i.e. family, work, school, etc.?
By Tony Sand
I think the most important thing to start with is to love yourself. If you are not letting Christ into your life while accepting and loving yourself this covenant has no real meaning. I try to read or listen to God's word every day, pray often throughout the day, and receive communion as often as I can. I find the more I do these things the more fuel I have to be more like Christ. As far as loving my neighbor I try to accomplish this by using empathy and compassion. It is not always easy but I always try to find the good in people. If I feel that it's challenging to find the good in someone, I will ask God to show them his grace and kindness. I find this makes it easier for me to be nicer to people and be an example of God's love. I truly believe that it is extremely important to try to live your life as Jesus lived his so that others see the benefits of letting God into your life.